Saturday, February 03, 2007

Buying your independence

My best friend, Felicia and I went to Ghana on a working holiday and we had a fabulous time. Felicia used the opportunity to give me a lesson which she coined “Buying my independence” she said I should always buy my
way and learn to despise free lunch. You might not agree with her. She said when people pay your bills, they buy you.

Therefore, you don’t let them buy you. Also one should endeavor to pay the bills of those who have paid your bills in time past. This enables you to buy your independence. Well do I agree with her YES! To an extent because sometime ago I read this book titled 48 Laws of Power, and I found this, “despise free lunch as a tool to gain power.
Anyway enough of this, on our trip to Ghana we visited the SAVE OUR SOUL VILLAGE. (S.O.S) we spoke to the village head. We also had the privilege of meeting and interviewing Obeahon Ohiwere, the Manager of STANDARD TRUST BANK, Ghana. Amazingly he
became our VESSEL of the MONTH, out of the three nominees, He won. Speaking with him inspired me. He was not born with a silver spoon, he rapidly and persistently worked his way up in the banking sector and has created a niche for himself. He describes himself in three words; aggressive, focused and serious minded.
Not only did this encounter change my mind set, but also did the city called “: ACCRA’’ No bikes plying the major roads. The city was extremely clean as the people were said to frown at any form of dirt. You could walk on any streets and not be
afraid to see any litter from whomever.
Amazingly, I discovered that the rich and the poor could afford to eat in the same restaurant. The Ghanaians don’t struggle to get into buses, they actually queue like decent people that they are and the cabs are cheap and are called dropping. I also found out that the average Ghanaian would not try to swindle your money out of you. What a city! Who wouldn’t want to associate with them. May be Nigerians should borrow a leaf (or leaves) from them. Enjoy this edition and remember together we achieve more.

Peace Ella Maxwell
Editor- in -Chief

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