Monday, February 05, 2007

Nitty Gritty

Everyone should have a nitty gritty reason why he or she should succeed. Reasons,goals achivement, might differ but succeeding brings joy and fulfillment, NittyGritty causes a change or rather what I call a paradigm shift in our lives. Let me explain what I mean by Nitty Gritty. It's a force or will that compells or drives to succeed Even against the wind or against the severe scoring of the sun full blast. A Nitty Gritty migt arise from a situation, Experience, Emotion, VISION, DREAM.

JIM ROHN, the author of 7 strategies of wealth and happiness said his Nitty Gritty reason arose from a situation where he couldnt afford two dollars to buy a girls scout cookies from a a little girl who came knocking at his door with a brillant presentation, asking him to buy a box of two dollar cookies. This money was going to the girls scout . He said he felt so misreable having to lie to the girl with the excuse that he just bought a box of girls scout cookies about 2minutes back, and from that day he made up his mind to change his life. Today he his one of richest men in AMERICA.

What about one of my mentors in ministry Rev. SAM ADEYEMI? His nittyGritty stemed from the FACT that he came from a poor background and when he went into ministry he didnt have anything, but he knew who he was. Though his Father in the ministry didn't give his blessing to him, he knew God had called him and had given him a vision, 'DAYSTAR' raising up role models. Today, DAYSTAR is one of the biggest churches in Nigeria. Rev. Sam Adeyemi is rich today and indeed, he has raised role models of which I am proud to be one. So, why don't you get a nittygritty today and become an achiever? someday, I will tell you my nittygritty and you would know why I have this passion to succeed against all odds.

Ella Maxwell,

Editor -in- Chief

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