Saturday, February 17, 2007


WHAT'S She thinking of?

Nigeria my country when are we going to experience true Indepence and my people would truely smile. My country, a land flowing with milk and honey, yet we are so deprived; a land of diverse culture, religion, beauty and tradition and love but politics is tearing us apart. The Priest and Imams are rather preaching animosity amongst us where as they should be preaching love, unity and harmony. We are about 140 million in my country. There is a saying that strength lies in numbers, so why are we so weak?

I believe every Nigerian has a drop of greatness in him or her. Please stop for a moment and think, am I using my greatness? Stop qeueing at those Embassies for Visas to countries that have utilised their greatness. Help me to utilise my quota of greatness as I help you to utilise your own drop of greatness. we can achieve more together.

A word to Everyone that wants to embezzle my country's funds. Stop for a moment and think, Greatness in not in having so much money and passing it to your generations. But in service to mankind,My country men in the diaspora please remember my mother land.

ARISE O COMPARIOTS, NIGERIA CALLS OBEY. My heart bleeds when I arise in patroitism and my country men are falling with weak hearts. Droping out of war against corruption, marginalisation, indiscipline; ethnic, political, religious crisis etc.

For a greater Nigeria, there is need for individual introspection.

I remain truly yours,

Ella Maxwell

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